Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Married 12 Years

Sunday was mine and Johns 12 year anniversary. So John decided to take me out to the place him and Milton had went hiking just a couple days ago. I must say, it was really cool.

The baby fell asleep in the car so John stayed by the car and had Milton be my guide.

Once Quentin woke up John joined us and we had a family photo inside of the canyon.

We ended the day with a nice candle lit family dinner with Salmon, acorn squash and spinach.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

You Tube on our family blog

Now you can check out our latest You Tube down loads on our blog. If our videos dont come up or they go away try refreshing or reentering the site. Let me know if the videos feature works for you.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Family site ending soon

We will be changing to this blog and getting rid of the family site. If there is anything that you would like off of the family web site please take it off soon.

John and Milton go hiking

John and Milton went on a hike to the Blue Pools Wash.

Milton down in the canyon.
The Blue Pools.
Look at all of those slot canyons behind Milton.
Miltonbeing a dare devil.

Christmas 09

We had a great Christmas and thaught you would like to se a few pics of our fun morning.

Quentin with his new Fisher Price phone.

Our Christmas tree that John and Milton went out into the snow (16 degrees) and chopped it down.

Christine and her boys on Christmas morning.

John and Milton trying to figure out how to transform Miltons new tranformers.

The living room after the kids had all of their toys out.
John says this looks like a white trash christmas.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Quentins 9 month photo

Here are some new pics of Quentin taken the last week he was 9 months. Better late than never right.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Miltons First Day Of School

Milton attended his first day of Kindergarten.

He is attending Lake View Elementary School and his teachers name is
Mrs. Robinson.

We walked to school and it was a beautiful morning.
Milton enjoyed playing on the playground, talked about shapes and came home with his very own Shape King Crown. He was so excited that he was going back the very next day.

Robert is Married

I would like to welcome Heather to the Family. Robert and Heather were married on July 18th at the San Diego Temple.

Trying something new

So I am trying this to see how it works and I f I like it I will be getting rid of my family website.