Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Drumline pictures

Just wanted to share a couple pictures of our drumline group and show you how happy they were when we won first.  We were very pleased with our success.


So drumline is over now but things have not slowed down.  Milotn is now in T-ball and has at lease on game a week.  We are also involved with the high schools musical Cinderella.  Milton is in teh opening and closing numbers.  Practices till 9 pm the next 2 nights and then 3 days of performances.  Baseball game on friday and John is going to take Milton to see the Vasity baseball game on Friday also.  I left our camera out in the sprinklers, on accident, and the camera in now officially dead so there may not be new pictures for a little while till we can get a new one. 

Quentin has an Ear infection and is making his life miserable.  Over 100 degree temps and the chills to boot.  He is doing a little better now that he has his meds.  We are also gearing up for our big fundraiser, A Night of Jazz, and it will be at the end of this month.  So right now I am keeping my eye on the prize.  The second week of May.  We are starting to clean up the back yard for our second year of gardening and we are going to be putting in 5 fruit trees and 2 grape plants.  In a couple of years we are going to have so much food to can we wont be able to leave during the summer. 

Johns Sisiter Andrea just had her second little boy on Monday the 12th of April.  Sven is 8 pounds 10 ounces and doing great as far as I know.  That makes 3 nephews and one niece.  OK, Robert its time for you to start producing children now.  My children need a lot more cousins.

John has landed a music gig at the Marriott in town and is looking forward to finalizing the details for this summer gig.  I plan on running the Owens Farm and spending time with my boys.