Sunday, June 6, 2010

John Braves the Dessert for a Close Look at Rainbow Bridge.

Johns "little" 28 Mile hike turned out to be a 35 Mile hike with brutal winds and sand coming at him in all directions. The wind was so bad his tent could not save him from the sand.  A tent pole was even bent due to the force of the wind.
But after braving all of the elements the hike was well worth it to see the worlds larges natural bridge.
Water was not easy to come by. Any water was used by filtering it through a portable water filter. John was lucky that his friend Sam came along.  John's filter was broken and had to use Sam's to filter his drinking water.

This is a view of the bridge that is enjoyed by very few people. This would be considered the back side of Rainbow Bridge. Below is a shot of the back side of Navajo Mountain known by the Navajos to be one of the Four Sacred Mountains.

2010 Whoever Family Reunion

Even though there are only two families planning on attending I wanted to share our plans with all of you. Click on the flyer to zoom in.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wow, could my kids be any cuter.  So with no camera to take pictures I resorted to this traveling picture company and got this one photo.  We will finally have a camera when we go down to San Diego.  We are enjoying our summer so far and have been (John has) doing a lot of little projects around the house while I try to keep up with the mess of 3 boys. 

We cant wait to start all of our little trip this summer.  First one works then they Play right!

We will keep you updated and hopfuly there will be pictures soon.