Monday, January 18, 2010

Family Camping Trip "Reunion"

So we have been talking the last year about doing a camping trip in Zion for all of those who would like to get together as one big happy family. It would be like a mini family reunion. We are planning for the month of July at Zion National Park.

There are things for all family members to do. Hiking for all levels, a beautiful river to cool off in, visitor center, very beautiful display of nature, getting away from your normal life and enjoying the great out doors.

More info will be coming about the date. We would like to make a reservation for a group site and the price is $3.00 per person per day. It will be a thursday through Sunday. Please send your portion of the camping fee as soon as possible so we can make the reservation. So if you have a family of 3 it will cost $36.00. Please call us with any questions. We need to make the reservation in the next few weeks. This is an open invitation for anyone related to either John or Christine Owens.

We are so excited. To make this happen though we need to act fast to get our group site. There are not many left. With family all over the place this would be great time to get together and spend some great quality time together. We hope you would all want to join us in camping but if that is not your cup of tea dont forget that there is the Zion National Park Lodge not to far from all of the camping fun.
We hope that you will all try to come. We plan on doing this every year.
The Owens Family

John Risks 3 Lives

So, when John and Linda were up here visiting John decided to take Milton and Grandpa on a little 3 hour hike. Of course John can't resist the chance to use his 4 wheele drive and decides to venture down the back side of a mountain he had not explored before. After begining the decent he reolizes that there is a huge cliff on one side of him and a huge icy rock in front of him. They had already gone to far to back up so the plan on going forward. Once the entire Jeep was on the rock the whole thing slides forward leaving them with no contole. with much reliefe the Jeep stoped by hitting a bunch of sand and not at the bottom of a cliff. The men returned so proud of their brush with death. John went out this morning to find the Jeep sad and humbled with a flat tire. John was hoping that I would not make the connection between the off roading and the flat tire.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Grandma Linda Kicked Off The Playground

Grandma Linda and Papa took the weekend to come and visit their grandchildren. Grandma and Milton enjoyed playing a few games of Guess Who and everyone had a chance to play. Quentin played with Miltons new tank. Papa enjoyed some time doing nothing during his first day of visiting. Grandma Linda had the chance to go to school with Milton. She was his show and tell and they ate school lunches together. Grandma was not let onto the Playground.

As you can tell. This John was taking advantage of the boys being occupied.

Papa read books to the boys both nights before they went to bed. To his disapointment we could not find Go Dog Go.

The next day Papa, Milton and John went on a 5 hour trip to go hiking in the cold. They were looking for Skylight Arch.
They showed Papa the Blue Pools...
...the cool canyons...
...some big rocks...
And then the arch.
That evening we relaxed and Papa played with Milton. A video is posted here on the Blog if you would like to see it.
The night is winding down and its time for the little ones to go to bed.
Grandma Linda very much enjoyed her time with the boys as well as Papa. The boys were put to bed and the adults enjoyed a few rounds of Blokus. We had a lot of fun. To bad it must always pass by so quick.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Papa and Grandma Linda are on their way up here to visit for the weekend. We can't wait!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Boys update

So this last week Quentin has decided to try a few new things. He lives to find Daddy in the pictures hanging on the walls. He is trying to say light and he can say up but he always whispers it. He is using his walker more but only because I make him practice walking. He waves Hi now and does it when he feels like it. Very hard to get him to do it on command. He now knows what he is saying when he says Mommie and Daddy.

Funny quote from Milton "I'm gonna get my wife at the Rosekellys"!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Baby awake

S I am sitting here at the computer holding my baby hope to go to bed soon myself. It is amazing how one can have a routine and it seems as if it is sticking and then something like this will happen. But I must say. I love my Baby Quentin. john and I started to watch the Bachelor last nigh and we are hooked. We cant wait for the next one. Other shows I enjoy watching (Online): Dollhouse, Glee 30 Rock and Modern Family. Wow I am tired. Anyway, I must try to get to sleep. Hope everyone else is getting good sleep.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sledding Trip 2009

On the 30th we went on this years sledding trip to Jacobs Lake insted of Cedar City. John and Milton came out here to go sledding a couple weeks ago and wanted to bring out the family. This is the back of the lodge taken from the small park.

Milton did not wan to slide down the snowy slide so John could not pass up this opportunity.

It was a beautiful day. We didn't have much warm weather cloths for Quentin so he is wearing his 12 month coat (he can not even sit up while wearing it or move his arms), winter hat and mittens, Little cloth shoes and a pair of 3T snow pants. The pants kept him warm.
I sat in the snow waiting for John and Milton to sled down toward we and I looked up. This is what I saw.
Quentin sitting in the snow. He didn't like it at first but then a small grin grew on his lips once he reolized we were not going to pick him up.
John and his boy Quentin.
Milton also playing at the park.
Quentins first sled ride on the way to breakfast. We had a lot of fun. Till next years sledding trip.