Sunday, January 17, 2010

Grandma Linda Kicked Off The Playground

Grandma Linda and Papa took the weekend to come and visit their grandchildren. Grandma and Milton enjoyed playing a few games of Guess Who and everyone had a chance to play. Quentin played with Miltons new tank. Papa enjoyed some time doing nothing during his first day of visiting. Grandma Linda had the chance to go to school with Milton. She was his show and tell and they ate school lunches together. Grandma was not let onto the Playground.

As you can tell. This John was taking advantage of the boys being occupied.

Papa read books to the boys both nights before they went to bed. To his disapointment we could not find Go Dog Go.

The next day Papa, Milton and John went on a 5 hour trip to go hiking in the cold. They were looking for Skylight Arch.
They showed Papa the Blue Pools...
...the cool canyons...
...some big rocks...
And then the arch.
That evening we relaxed and Papa played with Milton. A video is posted here on the Blog if you would like to see it.
The night is winding down and its time for the little ones to go to bed.
Grandma Linda very much enjoyed her time with the boys as well as Papa. The boys were put to bed and the adults enjoyed a few rounds of Blokus. We had a lot of fun. To bad it must always pass by so quick.

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