Sunday, May 30, 2010

Still no working camera

So we finally purchased a new camera while the boys and I were in Flagstaff for Milton's Heart appointment.  John was leaving the next day for a big hike and wanted to take photos.  I hooked it up to charge over night for about 30 miles of hiking crazy. The next morning I found the charger light blinking rather than off.  Called the horrid Fugifilm company and they were of no help.  The man did not even answer the phone professionally and when I told him my problem he just said "I can't help you. It is either the charger or the battery but since I don't have either in my hands I cant help you".  Well thanks a lot. So we ended up going down to the Wal Mart and after looking a batteries and not knowing if it was the battery or the charger causing the problem I could not bring myself to purchase a $40 battery.  So John ended up with a disposable camera. 

So till the next time I am near a Target I still have no photo taking abilities. 

Quentin is now walking great.  He can bend down and pick things up ad can say NO.  He does not over use it yet. HE finds it funny to pinch and is exploring the world with his teeth.  He also says "More" pretty well and "Ball" is sounding good too.  Other words or phrases he uses to communicate are "Poo poo", "Here you go", "Ouch" and I know there are more but I can not think of them right now.  He can use a kazoo and a harmonica.  Oh yeah he says "GOO GOO GAA GAA" When he wants to play drums. Laughs at faces, when tickled and when anyone says ouch.

We are looking forward to our trip to San Diego this Month and seeing family.  Tell the next update.

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