Saturday, August 7, 2010

The 2010 Whoever Family Reunion Day 1

So the formatting of this page just will not do what I want it to do so some pics are out of order.  So we were all in Zion by Friday and ready for adventure.  Our first stop on the 108 degree day was Weeping Rock.

I was very excited!

Milton found it very cool that water was coming out of the giant wall of rock.

The Rock Squirles were crazy and and would go right up to your backpack and try to take any food you had.

The Virgin River

After a 1 mile walk we made it to the Virgin River.

The water was so nice in the hot weather.
We really enjoyed the shade.  Quentin and all of the boys loved all of the rocks.
As you can see Milton enjoyed it very much.  Look at how skinny he is. Ahhh!
John of course  took in the nature.
Tio and Heather relazing on a "Confortable" rock.
Mommy spending some one and one time with the Q.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, this post turned out crappy and I cant get it to fix it self. sorry.
