Monday, February 22, 2010

Beware of exploding glass

So I had a 9X13 Pyrex sitting on the stove and turned on the wrong burner. Next thing I know the Pyrex had a red element under it and quickly turned it off. I thought for a moment that I should move it off but didn't because I figured it would explode on a cold counter or in my hands. Good thing I didn't. About 60 seconds later Milton, Quentin and I witnessed the most deafening sound and explosive experience ever.

Milton burst into tear because it "hurt his feelings" and Quentin hat on the ground with glass all around him wondering what was going on. I still can not believe how loud it was. I want to say the glass even made a sound before it exploded. It happened so fast. We were very lucks. I only ended up with a small scrape on my hand.

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