Friday, February 5, 2010

Many New Little Things

So Quentin has been up to a lot in the last few weeks. Some things he has only done once and others he loves to do over and over again. John was the first one to get a real kiss from Quentin right on the end of his nose just before John left for work. He has said Tree, uh oh, nap, has his own way of saying "there he is" and loves to growl like a lion. Two nights ago he tried out teh idea of folding his arms for the night time family prayer. Of cours we found this to be very funny. He can throw his green ball with two hand and loves to chase it around the living room. He is starting to put shapes through holes and has tried to stack a block but he isn't quite there yet. He loves to go to drumline and listn to the drums. He gets excited before we even get out of the car. I think he knows what it looks like when we pull up to the Performing arts building. He walks around with his walker thing and we have tricked him into standing on his own a few times. When we try to do it again though he just buckles his knees and drops. He enjoys turning lights on and off and loves to eat food. He will eat anything. He had his first experiances with red Jello and Ovaltine. He loved both.

Milton is now working on one diget addition up to the number 9. He is getting better at getting ready in the morning. Still working on the after school rutine. He loves to play with his Transformers and Legos. Both are his favorite. He went bowling for the first time last weekend and had a lot of fun. I asked what was his favorite part was and his answer was "I got a score!". Milton is also going to be part of the chorus in the high schools spring musical Cinderella. I am choreographer for the two large group numbers. Milton will be in the first of the two.

John had a chance to play his irish drum during the entermission of a local concert. He was showing people how to play on pizza boxes. Kids and Adults alike enjoyed it.

While John was out of town I got the drumline floor painted with the help of about 6-8 kids in a record time of 10 hours. And thats with watching children, taking Milton to a birthday party and feeding my kids. No small feet I promise.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the picture of Quentin in his high chair!
    I can only imagine how big he will be the next time we see him :)
    I swear you are like super woman though. Where in the world do you get all your energy?
