Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weekend Fun

So we finnaly were all together on a weekend so we didn't leave town and just enjoyed the two days together. Saturday Morning John and Milton built a tent in the livingroom with tons of blankets and spent the rest of the morning playing in it. Here is the tent complete with tunnels.

John had the most fun.

Milton Played with his G.I. Joes in the tent.

Milton and I were talking about Disney World during breakfast and I had said that I couldn't wait to go on the Snow White ride. He asked if he had ever seen that movie and I responded with "No". I asked to see it before we went to Florida so I called around to a couple of friends and found it on DVD and we watched Snow White before dinner.

My baby boy stands up on his own finally. He was kneeling by me and he sttod up on his feet pushed back and he was standing. Quentin found it to be very finny.

Check out quentin standing up at this You Tube link

And a clip of Quentin talking and clicking his toung.


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