Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

Today we had a family Valentines Day. We went to church and then came home for a quick lunch. John thought it would be fun to take a family photo and here it is.

We went on a small walk and found teh hanging garden. They are fern plants growing under the edge of this small cliff. It was actually pretty neat.
Quentin went on his first real shoulder ride with Daddy. daddy didn't even have to hold his hands.
When we got home we made Valentines for eachother. Milton even made them for 4 of his friends. My favorite one was for Alison adn he said in the card "Happy Valintines day. I love you very much. I will play with you tomarrow." To cute.
It was a nice day. Now a new week must begin. AHHHH!

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